Monday, February 9, 2015

Acne and Dry skin?

I have always known and heard about the greatness of Argan Oil, but I have never really tried it for myself. Until now! I am so impressed by the Melvita Argan Oil that I had to blog about it instantly - like now, on my Blogger phone app.

Situation: I had a massive crazy breakout of those tiny bumps all over my face! To stop it in it tracks before it became something more i proceed to start on my acne care regime.

Attempt: I started mild. My standard pimple creams. And even loaded on "repair" serums and such. From here, i slowly increased the strength of the creams i use.

(Many pimple creams later, increasing in treatment strength)
Results: Nothing worked.

Solution: i decided to bring in the big boys! I picked this up from GossMakeupArtist (link), and since I first tried it out and it cleared my face, it has been my go-to remedy - but I try not to do it too often as it is quite invasive (i dub the treatment, the OXY mask)

Results: the next day, the bumps are gone (used OXY 5 only at breakout areas).

Side Effects: It left me with irritated, red, and super itchy dry skin (as expected).

Solution: Spam the moisturizer! I tried all my creams and serums, nothing worked. I had flaky itchy painful skin for about a week.

Epiphany: Something hit me to try oils (no idea why I didn't think of it sooner!) And I took my Melvita Argan Oil out of the drawer and slap on 2 pumps on my face and neck.

Results: i woke up the next day with the dry patches, flakiness, and the itchiness gone! While my skin is still slightly on the dry has almost 90% recovered from my OXY mask treatment overnight. Needless to say I was impressed!

Conclusion: the OXY mask treatment works! (but it may be too harsh for some skin types). And Argan Oil rock socks!

Ok good night.

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